· By Linda Bouchard


When we think about Mexico, we all imagine three things: the resort, the Chichén Itzá and tonnes of tacos. However, this country can’t only be described by these common cliché. It has a heritage so much more interesting and diversified than what’s look like.

Food everywhere

Still, when we heard “ Mexican food ” we immediately think of some dishes with melt cheese and Jalapeño, right? Unfortunately, this is not quite the reality… First of all, you have to understand that Mexican way of cooking is proper to each different region of Mexico. Plus, for Mexican’s people, cooking is almost art! So forget the idea that their dishes are all tacos and tortillas. If you want a real gourmet experience, stop by some street food stand where people are going to give you some meals 100% Mexican et above all 100% home made. Enjoy it while you drink a buck of pulque, formerly called “ God’s drink ”, which secret of its effects comes from the agave pulque's fermentation.


Mexico is full of different reliefs. That’s why there're many kinds of activities that are offered to you. For example, in a city like Mexico, where all your senses are constantly awake by the music and the conviviality of Mexican people, you can participate in some traditional activities like watch the corrida de toro, a match of Nacho libre or simply enjoy the vivacity of one of the biggest city in the world! If you prefer outdoors activities, you can walk across the arid Mexican desert, trough the rainforest, do some hiking on some volcano covered with snow and even swim in some cenotes. And for the art and history amateurs, there are always the pyramids and the multiples remains of the extinct Mayan civilisations.

It doesn’t matter what activities you're going to do or what region you want to see because one thing is for sure: none of your expectations is going to be as up of the wonderful thing you will discover.